Get School and ECE

We’re sorry to say that due to unprecedented demand we are unable to accept any new applications for support from schools or early childhood centres. We will open applications when we have cleared our current waiting list. Thank you for your patience.

Supporting schools and ECEs.

Get School and ECE support

How it works - Schools.

Get School and ECE support

How it works – Early Childhood Centres.


Providing the essentials, so Kiwi kids can learn.

KidsCan believes that education is a child’s ticket out of poverty, and gives them the opportunity for a better future. But kids can’t learn when they are cold, wet and hungry.  


So we partner with schools and early childhood centres across New Zealand to give the 1 in 6 Kiwi kids affected by poverty the essentials: food, clothing and health products.


We provide nutritious breakfast, snack and lunch foods to 49,000 hungry school kids every day.


We keep school children warm and dry with a fleece-lined jacket and sturdy shoes and socks.


We provide basic health items education to school kids.

Early Childhood.

We give preschoolers a jacket, shoes and socks, health products and daily healthy meals.


Apply for KidsCan support.

We support schools that:

  • Are low-decile, and/or  
  • Have dedicated staff available to implement the programme
  • Have children who would benefit from KidsCan support